Template Empty forces Elxis to display nothing else except your site name, an optional subtitle/slogan and an optional copyright text. The template is useful to sites that uses Elxis as a platform for private systems such as IOS Hotels, IOS Rentals and IOS AERO. Also can be used as a temporary or permanent solution in cases you dont want to reveal your site contents to the public without turning the site offline. The template has an option to display empty the inner.php page too (popup windows, ajax requests, special control panels, etc). This option by default is No. If you set it to Yes then nothing will be displayed in frontend, not even private control panels like the ones IOS Reservations uses. Note that displaying nothing doesnt mean that the requests towards components dont get executed (eg with direct URL calls). They are executed as usual but you dont see the result (the generated HTML). If you want to lock your Elxis frontend section then better turn the site offline. The template comes in 9 different colour variations. Tips for permanent use: Un-publish all menu items except Home. Un-publish all categories/articles except of 1 article.
Version 1.1: Option to display a logo image instead of title/subtitle. The template now is also used in offline pages (site offline, online only for users or administrators).
Version 1.2: Fix missing Apple touch icon.