Module Slick Slider is an horizontal slider which can slider content from right to left, or the opposite. The module has built-in integration for sliding: 1. Content articles, 2. IOS Hotels v2 hotels, 3. IOS Hotels v3 hotels, 4. IOS Rentals vehicles models, 5. Open Shop products and 6. custom content. Also by default the module slides demo content in order to see how it looks directly after the initial installation. Available configuration options: auto-play, show navigation arrows, show navigation dots, number of slides to display per time (1 to 4). Other configuration options: Number of items to slide (1 to 20), styling colour, maximum item description characters to display, image ratio (2:1, 16:9, 4:3, original). The module is responsive and uses jQuery.
Depending to the selected source the module may display different additional information, like price, location, rating stars, reviews, vehicle features, category, etc. When the source is set to custom You can freely add up to 6 custom items and for each one provide its title, description, image, link and price.
The module developed after a request of Jorge Nunes. More integrations and customization can be performed after request. In this case contact Ioannis Sannos (