Ioannis Sannos
Include modules inside articles
Last modified March 16, 2021 22:28
Plugin Include Module (imodule) allows you to display modules inside plugins and therefor inside articles. You can display a specific module or a whole modules position. To use this plugin inside an Elxis article just type in the editor: {imodule}X{/imodule} where X can be:
1. A module name. Example: {imodule}mod_login{/imodule}
2. A module ID number (preferable than using the module name because the with the ID you can specify the module instance, requires Elxis 4.2+).
Example: {imodule}12{/imodule}
3. A modules position. Example: {imodule}left{/imodule}
The modules used must be published in order to be displayed.
Version 1.1: Improved compatibility to Elxis 5.x