Module Open Shop Menu by Is Open Source shows a vertical or horizontal oriented, multi-level menu consisted by links to Open Shop categories and more. You can also display links to other shop pages like the frontpage, the wish list, the new products page, the offers page and much more. Additionally you can set up to 5 custom muti-lingual menu items to display them before or after the shop categories. The module has many options to configure it: Option to display only specific categories, Option to display the full categories tree or limit it to root, first or second level, option to expand only the selected category branch (only on vertical menu). The module has the same CSS as the standard Elxis menu module so it adopts the style of your template and you can also use the same CSS suffixes as for your other menus! In order to populate categories tree fast even for large shops it caches categories tree as a php array and stores this tree for 12 hours in repository cache/shop/ folder. Note that if you want to force-refresh is cache just delete all files there. Created for Konstantinos Mountaneas.
Version 1.1: Compatibility with Open Shop 2.x
Version 3.0: Compatibility with Open Shop 3.x
Version 3.1: Added option to display manufacturers