Ioannis Sannos
A basket module for the Mini Shop plugin.
Date February 25, 2014 20:50
Module Mini Basket works in combination with the Mini Shop plugin. Publish the module in a side column of your template.
When you click on a product in Mini Shop to be added into cart, module Mini Basket is automatically updated with the product added. Moreover the browser scrolls to the module position in order to see that the product has been added and the cart has been updated. For each product a thumbnail of the product image is shown, a link to the product shop page, a removal icon and the product quantity and amount. On module top area a summary of the cart is shown. Click on the summary to toggle cart details. The addition of the product is done by using AJAX so you dont have to refresh the page to see the changes. To remove a product from the cart click on the little x icon next to a product. The cart and the cart summary will be updated. When ready click Checkout to proceed to checkout page to finalize your order.