Ioannis Sannos
Displays a list of articles, hotels or products mixed with custom content in a grid.
Last modified January 07, 2023 19:22
With IOS Grid module you can display Elxis articles, IOS Reservations hotels (v3 and v2) or Open Shop products in a grid. On each module integration you can display up to 8 items. If you need more then just copy the module. You can display the items in 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns. The layout is responsive so columns will automatically wrap on smaller screen resolutions. Three different styles are supported: Text below image, Text inside image and Mixed. For best appearance you can set images height. This will make all the images align nicely. A custom link with custom text can be displayed below items grid (you can create for example a Show More link). On mouse over there is option to select between 4 different effects (all CSS3 based, no javascript), Zoom, convert to Gray scale, convert image to Cycle and Swing. You can also display ribbon text at the corner of the items. 17 different ribbons are supported, each one with different colour (New, Top, Offer, Suggested, etc). For each item you set the ID of the item (article, hotel or product) and, optionally, up to 4 custom texts. These custom texts are multi-lingual.
Version 1.1: Added support for component Notice (thanks to Andrey Kambalov)
Version 1.2: Added 2 new items sources: Latest and Related articles (full automatic integration). Also items title became a link for style Text Below Image.
Version 1.3: Support for IOS Hotels v3.2+ (hotels portal mode)