
by Elxis Team

Initiate and get library classes.

eFactory serves 3 major tasks:
• Initiates (constructs) not-initiated classes, stores them into the registry and returns an object.
• Returns a class object from the registry for already initiated classes.
• Removes the need of using the global keyword.


Most common methods of eFactory.

$elxis = eFactory::getElxis();
Initiate/get elxisFramework class

$db = eFactory::getDB();
Initiate/get elxisDatabase class

$eURI = eFactory::getURI();
Initiate/get elxisURI class

$eLang = eFactory::getLang();
Initiate/get elxisLanguage class

$eDoc = eFactory::getDocument();
Initiate/get elxisDocument class

$eDate = eFactory::getDate();
Initiate/get elxisDate class

$eFiles = eFactory::getFiles();
Initiate/get elxisFiles class

$ePathway = eFactory::getPathway();
Initiate/get elxisPathway class

Replacement for global

To call an object ($elxis for example) inside a function that initiated outside of it you would do:

function test() {
global $elxis;
echo $elxis->getConfig('SITENAME');

With eFactory you do it like that:

function test() {
$elxis = eFactory::getElxis();
echo $elxis->getConfig('SITENAME');

Or, alternatively, by using the chaining methods style (dont do it for repeated object as it will be slower):

function test() {
echo eFactory::getElxis()->getConfig('SITENAME');

eFactory also makes sure that you will always get the same instance of the class (as it calls internally the Elxis Registry).

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