Get visitor IP address
The elxisIPHelper helper returns information about the visitor IP address and also provides some conversion methods between IPv4 and IPv6.
Elxis by default uses the IPv6 protocol. If an IP address is in the IPv4 protocol it converts it to version 6. To access the IP helper class you don't need to include the helper file. Just use the elxisFramework obj method.
Returns the client's IP address (by default in IPv6 protocol version) or null if the IP can not be fetched.
Provides an ip2long alternative for IPv6 addresses as currently ip2long works only for v4 IP addresses.
Expands IPv6 notation by replacing :: with :0
Converts a given IP v4/v6 to v6 format. Returns null if the IP is invalid.
Converts a previously converted IP from v4 to v6, back to v4.